Fees and Fines
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The Legislature enacts laws, subject to the Governor's veto, which determine the fees charged and the fines collected by the Clerk's Office.

The Clerk's Office accepts Money Orders and personal checks. If a check has previously been dishonored, the Clerk's Office may require that payment be made in cash, money order or cashier's check. The following transactions always require payment in cash or cashier checks (no personal checks):

  • Transferring a Claim of Lien on real property to a cash or bond security
  • The payment of court-ordered restitution
  • The payment of rent into the Court Registry
  • Payment of misdemeanor and felony fines and costs arising out of dishonored check related charges
  • Bail Bonds (bonding company checks will be accepted)
  • Tax Deed sales (EFT, Cashier's Check or Money Orders only)
  • Foreclosure sales (EFT, Cashier's Check or Money Orders only)

Credit and Debit Cards are accepted in some departments, but require a valid picture ID matching the name on the card and will add a non-refundable fee of 3.5% to your payment.

Payments made online on will have a non-refundable service charge of 3.5% of the payment. This fee is charged by and the Clerk's Office does not retain any part of it.

Payment by Phone

Misdemeanor, Felony or Traffic charges without a school election may be paid with a debit or credit card over the phone by calling our vendor nCourt at (386) 626-3234. You must inform them you would like to pay your court-imposed fines/costs/fees to the Volusia County Clerk of Court located at 101 N. Alabama Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724 and you must provide the case number with the amount you are paying. There is a 7% convenience for this service. The Clerk's Office does not retain any part of this fee.

Appellate Proceedings

Appeal from County to Circuit Court (one check to Clerk of Circuit Court) 281.00
Appeal to District Court of Appeals or the Florida Supreme Court: (Separate Checks)
Fee to Clerk of Circuit Court 100.00
Fee to Clerk of District Court of Appeal or Clerk of Florida Supreme Court 300.00
Cross Appeal, Notice of Joinder or Motion to Intervene as Appellant
Fee to Clerk of District Court of Appeal or Clerk of Florida Supreme Court 295.00
Advance Deposit for Preparation of Record 100.00
Preparing, numbering and indexing original records of appellate proceedings, per instrument 3.50
Examining, comparing, correcting, verifying and certifying transcript of record in appellate proceedings prepared by someone other than the Clerk, per page 5.00
Attorney Appearance Pro Hac Vice 100.00


Civil Law - Circuit Court

Filing Fees

Civil Action (Non-Property Related Cases Claims $50,000.01 and above) 400.00
Civil Action (Real Property and Foreclosure)
Claim Value of $50,000 or less 400.00
Claim Value of over $50,000 but less than $250,000 905.00
Claim Value of $250,000 or more 1,905.00
For each defendant over 5, per defendant 2.50
Timeshare, for each unit above one 10.00
Severance fee 18.00
Attachment, Replevin and Distress (in addition to filing fee) 85.00
Cross Claim, Counter Claim or Third Party Complaint 395.00
Crossclaim, Counterclaim or Third Party Complaint (Real Property/Foreclosure)
Claim Value of $50,000 or less 395.00
Claim Value of over $50,000 but less than $250,000 900.00
Claim Value of $250,000 or more 1,900.00
Reopen 50.00

Other fees

Summons Issuance, per summons 10.00
Judicial Sale (Foreclosure),conduct sale, issue and record title 70.00
Foreign Judgment, issue execution on 42.00
Eminent Domain Deposit, each 170.00
Transfer of Judgment to Security, plus additional misc. service charges 20.00
Transfer of Lien to Security, plus additional misc. service charges 20.00
Charge for each additional lien 10.00
Writ Issuance (garnishment/replevin/attachment) 85.00
Petition for Extension of Time 42.00
Attorney Appearance - Pro Hac Vice 100.00


County Civil

(County Civil fees below effective 01/01/2023)
Claim less than $100 55.00
$100.00 up to and including $500.00 80.00
$501.00 up to and including $2,500.00 175.00
$2,501.00 up to and including $8,000.00 300.00
$8,001.00 up to and including $15,000.00 300.00
$15,001.00 up to and including $50,000.00 400.00
Timeshare Foreclosure (Filing fees based on money amounts above)  
Additional charge for each unit above one - not to exceed 15 total units 10.00
Foreclosure Sale Fee (Judicial) conduct sale, issue and record Title 70.00
Writs - Attachment, Replevin and Distress (in addition to filing fee based on value) 85.00
Claims up to $1,000.00 filed simultaneously with an action for Replevin of property subject to claim **Includes Writ fee 130.00
Evictions, Possession only 185.00
Evictions with Possession & Damages up to and including $50,000.00 185.00
Crossclaim, Counterclaim or Third Party Complaint claiming damages of $2,501.00 up to and including $15,000.00 295.00
Crossclaim, Counterclaim or Third Party Complaint claiming damages of $15,001.00 up to and including $50,000.00 395.00
Attorney Appearance Pro Hac Vice 100.00
Reopening claims of not more than $500.00 25.00
Reopening claims of $501.00 up to and including $50,000.00 50.00
Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (in addition to filing fee) 42.00
Summons issuance, per summons 10.00
Additional Charge for each Defendant over five 2.50
Garnishments 85.00
Mediation Fees, per person 60.00


Family Law - Circuit Court

Filing Fees

Dissolution of Marriage 408.00
Simplified Dissolution of Marriage 411.50
Petitions for Domestic Relations pursuant to Chapters 39, 61, 741, 742, 747, 752 and 753 (support, visitation, custody and paternity) 300.00
Counterpetition in any of the above 295.00
Petitions for Domestic Relations (name change, adoption, delayed birth certificate, Chapter 751: petition for custody by extended family member) 400.00
Counterpetition in any of the above 395.00
Reopen 50.00
Petition for Modification of Dissolution of Marriage 50.00

Other Fees

Summons Issuance, per summons 10.00
Enforcement of Foreign Judgment 42.00
Attorney Appearance Pro Hac Vice 100.00
Mediation Fees
Combined income up to $50,000 60.00
Combined income is over $50,000 and under $100,000 120.00
Child Support and Alimony Payments, per payment (minimum $1.00, maximum $5.25) 4%
Notice of Delinquency to Obligor 25.00
Final Judgment Fee 25.00
Payoff Statement 25.00
Driver's License Suspension due to delinquency 25.00
Contesting Delinquency Fee 25.00


Juvenile - Circuit Court

Petition for Removal of Disability of Non-Age 400.00
Sealing or expungement of any court record 42.00
Copy (8 x 11) (per page) 1.00
Certification of copy 2.00
Searches (per name/per year) 2.00


Marriage Licenses

Application (includes preparation, administering oath, recording, and one certified copy) 86.00
Application (includes preparation, administering oath, recording, and one certified copy), if premarital course taken 61.00
Additional certified copies, per copy 3.00
Performing wedding ceremony 30.00



Bond Approval 8.50
Copy of any instrument in the public records by photographic process
Not larger than 8 ½ X 14 inches, per page 1.00
Larger than 8 ½ X 14 inches, per page 5.00
Copy of microfilm of any public record
16mm microfilm, per 100 foot roll or less 42.00
35mm microfilm, per 100 foot roll or less 60.00
Microfiche, per fiche 3.50
Certified copies, per instrument 2.00
Exemplified certificates 7.00
Verifying any instrument presented for certification prepared by someone other than the Clerk, per page 3.50
Domicile, preparing affidavit of 5.00
Oath, administering, attesting and sealing 3.50
Paper Written 7.00
Payment Plan Administrative Fee 25.00
Public records assistance, per hour Varies
Records search, per year 2.00
Registry of the Court, receiving money into
First $500.00 3%
Each Subsequent $100.00 1.5%
Tax deed - includes processing application, sale, issuance, preparation and disbursement of proceeds of sale, other than excess proceeds 60.00
Disbursement of excess proceeds, first $100.00 or fraction thereof 10.00
Sealing or expungement of any court record 42.00
Signing and sealing each subpoena 2.00
Preparing, signing and sealing each subpoena 7.00


Passport Book / Passport Card

Passport Book

Adults 16 years of age and older
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court $35.00
Check made payable to US Department of State 130.00
Children 15 years of age and younger
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court $35.00
Check made payable to US Department of State 100.00
Expedite Fee for urgent departure dates 60.00
Optional: One (1) regulation passport photograph 2" x 2"
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court 15.15

Passport Cards

Adults 16 years of age and older
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court $35.00
Check made payable to US Department of State 30.00
Children 15 years of age and younger
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court $35.00
Check made payable to US Department of State 15.00
Optional: One (1) regulation passport photograph 2" x 2"
Check made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court 15.15



Summary Administration ($1,000.00 or less) 235.00
Summary Administration (greater than $1,000.00) 345.00
Formal Administration 400.00
Trust Administration 400.00
Caveat/Trust Notice 41.00
Deposit Last Will and Testament of decedent (no probate) N/C
Opening of any estate of one document or more, including but not limited to petitions and orders to approve settlement of minor's claims, enter rooms and places, open a safe deposit box, for the determination of heirs, but not to include issuance of letters or order of summary 231.00
Foreign Guardian to manage property 231.00
Guardianship, person only 235.00
Guardianship, property only or property and person 400.00
Guardianship Inventory Audit Fees 85.00
Guardianship Annual Accounting Report - Audit Fees
$25,000.00 or less 20.00
$25,000.01 - $100,000.00 85.00
$100,000.01 - $500,000.00 170.00
Over $500,000.00 250.00
Guardianship, Veteran's Administration 235.00
Personal Property, disposition w/o administration 231.00
Petition for Determination for Incapacity and Restoration 231.00
Petition/Order to admit foreign wills, authenticated copies, exemplified copies, or transcript to record 231.00
Professional Guardianship 7.50
Summons Issuance, per summons 10.00
Attorney Appearance Pro Hac Vice 100.00
Reopen of Case 50.00
Crossclaim, Counterclaim or Third Party Complaint 395.00



Recording, indexing, filing any instrument not more than 8 ½ X 14 inches
First page10.00
Each additional page8.50
Documents that contain more than 4 names, per additional name1.00
Official Records Copy per Page1.00
Certification per Document2.00
Lis Pendens, First page5.00
Each additional page4.00
Military Discharge, recording certificate of discharge from U.S. Armed ForcesN/C
Plats, First page30.00
Each additional page15.00
Intangible Tax, per dollar.002
Documentary Stamps
Deeds, per $100.00 value or fraction thereof.70
Mortgages & Modifications, per $100.00 consideration.35


Driver License Reinstatement fee 60.00
D6 or late fee - Criminal Violation 32.00
D6 or late fee - Infraction Violation 23.00
3 Year Driver’s License Transcript 14.25
Complete Driver’s License Transcripts are only available for customers who appear in person with their driver license 16.25

Fines and Court Costs

Seat Belt violation 116.00
Child Restraint violation 166.00
Child Restraint violation (School Election) 162.20
Pedestrian law violation 64.50
Bicycle violation 64.50
Bicycle Helmet violation 64.50
All Terrain Vehicle violation 111.00
Non-Moving violation 116.00
Moving Violation (speeding - see below) 166.00
Moving Violation (speeding - see below)(School Election) 162.20
Fail To Obey Traffic Control Device -Traffic Signal 264.00
Fail To Obey Traffic Control Device -Traffic Signal (School Election) 242.56
Unlawful Speeding 6-9 MPH Over 131.00
with School Election 133.50
Unlawful Speeding 10-14 MPH Over 206.00
with School Election 195.00
Unlawful Speeding 15-19 MPH Over 256.00
with School Election 236.00
Unlawful Speeding 20-29 MPH Over 281.00
with School Election 256.50
Unlawful Speeding 30+ MPH Over
Mandatory Court
with School Election Not Applicable

Fines in School or Construction Zones

Unlawful Speeding 1-5 MPH Over (School Zone Only) 156.00
with School Election 154.00
Unlawful Speeding 6-9 MPH Over 156.00
with School Election 154.00
Unlawful Speeding 10-14 MPH Over
with School Election 277.00
Unlawful Speeding 15-19 MPH Over 406.00
with School Election 359.00
Unlawful Speeding 20-29 MPH Over 456.00
with School Election 400.00
Unlawful Speeding 30+ MPH Over
Mandatory Court
with School Election Not Applicable

Commercial Motor Vehicle Traffic Infractions

All Other Infraction Violations- Of 49CFR (382,385, 390-397) 186.00
Disregard Required Hours of Rest 336.00
Falsification of Time Records 336.00
Violation of ID Requirements 136.00
No Medical Certificate 236.00
Operator U/18, Veh. Wght 26,000 lbs 236.00